Plot Summary: After a wish turns 12-year-old Josh Baskin (David Moscow) into a 30-year-old man (Tom Hanks), he heads to New York City and gets a low-level job at MacMillen Toy Company. A chance encounter with the owner (Robert Loggia) of the company leads to a promotion testing new toys. Soon a fellow employee, Susan Lawrence (Elizabeth Perkins), takes a romantic interest in Josh. However, the pressure of living as an adult begins to overwhelm him, and he longs to return to his simple, former life as a boy.
What this movie is about?: Examining our complex world of so-called "adultism", and showing our true nature of cynicism against that of the innocence of a child/"the green isn't always greener on the other side".
Best Performance: Tom Hanks (Josh)
Best Minor Performance: Jared Ruston (Billy)/Robert Loggia (Mr. MacMillan)
Most Charismatic Award: Tom Hanks (Josh)
Best Scene: Teaching Trampoline/the Toy Pitch Meeting - "I don't get it"
Favorite Scene: First day as an adult
Most Indelible Moment: Making the wish upon a Zoltar machine or Chopsticks on the Piano
Best Line: Josh: I don't get it?
Honorable Mention: Billy: So you got a job, where you play with all these toys. Josh: Yup! Billy: And they're gonna pay you for that? Josh: Yup! Billy: SUCKERS!
- Paul: What is so special about Baskin? Susan: He's a grown up.
Funniest Line: “- Susan: I'm not so sure we should do this.
- Josh: Do what?
- Susan: Well, I like you, and I want to spend the night with you.
- Josh: Do you mean sleepover?
- Susan: Well, yeah.
- Josh: Ok... but I get to be on top.”
Legacy: 7.5
Impact/Significance: 7.25
Novelty: 8.25
Classic-ness: 6
Rewatchability: 5
Audience Score: 8.2
Total: 42.2
*Recognition: Nominated for Best Actor (Tom Hanks) and Best Original Screenplay
Remaining Questions:
- Why does Susan want to meet up again with Josh in 10 years?
- Why did there need to be a romantic relationship in this movie?